Our values


Compliance with laws, guidelines and voluntary codes of simple system

Compliance with laws, guidelines and voluntary codes is a top priority at simple system GmbH. As a leading e-procurement platform, we want to ensure that our transactions are always carried out in accordance with the law and with integrity. Our clear and compelling values form the basis for our business success and a sustainable future.

“Transparency, compliance and integrity are integral parts of our corporate culture at simple system GmbH. We are convinced that decisions should be in line with laws, internal regulations and values. This is the only way we can be a sustainably successful company.”

Michael Petri & Sebastian Wiese, Geschäftsführung
simple system GmbH

What is compliance?

For us, compliance means compliance with legal regulations and company-specific rules. This includes not only laws and official requirements, but also our own rules, such as how to handle gifts and invitations.

Code of Conduct of simple system GmbH

Our Code of Conduct provides guidelines for bodies, executives and employees and is based on integrity, fair and ethical conduct and a resource-saving approach to the environment. It is an important factor for the sustainable, positive development of our company in a constantly changing international environment. simple system GmbH, as part of Hoffmann SE, fully represents this.

German version

Download Code of Conduct/Code of Conduct DE (PDF)

English version

Download principles of conduct/Code of Conduct EN (PDF)

Supplier Code of Conduct

simple system GmbH expects its suppliers to comply with the compliance regulations that it follows itself. To this end, all suppliers are required to recognize the principles of the Supplier Code of Conduct.

German version

Download the Supplier Code of Conduct/Supplier Code of Conduct DE (PDF)

English version

Download the Supplier Code of Conduct/Supplier Code of Conduct EN (PDF)
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By mail


Whistleblower system

simple system GmbH
Compliance Management
Haberlandstrasse 55
81241 Munich

To the portal >>

Reporting of violations

Reports of violations or if there is a suspicion of violations of contrary legal requirements and/or guidelines and regulations can be sent by post, via email or via our Whistleblower system surrender. As part of Hoffmann SE, we link you directly to Hoffmann's whistleblower system. Your information will be fully processed there. This also includes references to human rights or environmental risks as well as violations of rights along our global supply chain. We guarantee that a whistleblower will not suffer any disadvantage by submitting a report, provided that the report is made in good faith. However, we expect reports to be made to the best of our knowledge and belief. Anyone who makes false, unjustified allegations and allegations recklessly or knowingly must expect consequences themselves.