Nextgen help for vendors

Frequently asked questions & answers and help documents

Common questions & answers

We have a selection of the most frequently asked questions & answers about our NextGen e-Procurement Platform put together. In addition, at the end of this page, you will find an overview with Help documents to download.

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How long does it take to register and set up my vendor account on NextGen?
How will I be notified about a customer request on NextGen?
I've received a customer request about NextGen. How can I edit them?
How can I get help using the platform or with other questions?
Do I need to switch to the NextGen platform?
Is moving to NextGen free for vendors?
What do I have to do after the sync is complete?

NextGen vs. Classic changes

What features are new in NextGen?
Where may I need to make an adjustment on my part?
What is the difference between NextGen and Classic?


Which catalogue formats are accepted on simple system NextGen?
Is it possible to set up an OCI punch-out catalog via NextGen?
Is product data classification required on NextGen? If so, which?
Can I also set up a public catalogue on NextGen from which all customers can buy?
Can my product portfolio be expanded on NextGen at any time?
Is there a quantity limit for the delivered items in the catalogue or a maximum file size?
Can I also upload & update catalogues automatically via FTP?
Is it also possible to provide a catalogue in .csv format?


How can I store customer-specific prices in NextGen?
If I deliver prices via a price list, do I still need prices in the catalog?
Which price is shown to the customer — catalogue or price list?
Is the price list format the same in NextGen and Classic?
Is it possible with NextGen to retrieve prices from my system in real time and display them to the customer?
Can I also upload and update prices automatically via FTP via catalogue or price list?

Media & further information

How does uploading images to NextGen work?
How can I provide customer item numbers?
What additional information can I upload to NextGen?


How does syncing from Classic to NextGen work?

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