simple system Magazin
success story

Office Mix GmbH

Solutions instead of products: Michael Feierabend, sales manager at Office Mix GmbH, explains how Office Mix manages the balancing act between C-articles and individual goods.

Michael Feierabend has almost 25 years of experience in office logistics. He has acquired his knowledge from the ground up and has witnessed all the changes in the industry. Since 2017, he has worked at Office Mix, a leading, independent provider of office supplies in Germany. Since 2023, as sales manager, he has primarily been responsible for market strategy and product portfolio. In this role, he is responsible for managing platforms, marketplaces and new sales channels. The partnership with the e-procurement platform simple system has been actively promoted from work since its founding in 2000.

From standard offer to tailor-made service

Office Mix, founded in 1990 by Klaus Mix, is a medium-sized company with over 100 employees and offers a comprehensive range of products and solutions for office work. The range includes office supplies, which are largely standardized and are permanently available from stock in quantities of 35,000 pieces. Nevertheless, the trend is increasingly moving towards tailor-made solutions. After work emphasizes:

What makes Office Mix special is our ability not only to sell products, but also to produce them ourselves. That is why printed matter such as stationery or mailing bags that we sell is produced in our own printing house.

Michael Feierabend
Sales manager Office Mix GmbH

This also includes customizable promotional items, which are now one of the fastest growing product groups. Office Mix is one of the top 10 providers of advertising materials on the German market and works exclusively for the nationwide branches of the Sparkasse Group.

Actively and reactively acquire customers

Through continuous expansion of its own product portfolio and strategic acquisitions, Office Mix achieves growth success year after year despite market trends. “On the one hand, we trade in very inexpensive C-items, but on the other hand, we are also pioneers, as this combination of different product groups is unique,” explains Feierabend. Office Mix achieves the balancing act by moving away from pure product sales to the consulting level with appropriate expertise in process flows.

Today, we no longer sell products, but solutions and processes, and this creates trust. This forms the basis for our customers' purchasing decisions.

Michael Feierabend
Sales manager Office Mix GmbH

The long-standing cooperation with the simple system e-procurement platform has significantly contributed to Office Mix being able to actively expand its customer base. “As an office mix, we don't just act reactively. We have already connected over 30 customers via simple system and are now striving for further strategic cooperation,” says Feierabend.

A particular synergy results from the connection to simple system. This is done in two ways: On the one hand, through classic acquisition, in which customers approach the platform because of their interest in Office Mix and its portfolio. As a well-known e-procurement platform and solution for digitizing customer processes, simple system plays a decisive role in the decision-making process. Office Mix also makes it possible to process all transactions directly via a simple system, which provides customers with immediate benefits as approval processes and billing are accelerated.

The second variant of acquisition is carried out via simple system itself. In particular, as a result of the switch to NextGen and the associated expansion of the customer base, more and more customers are approaching Office Mix as a connected supplier via the platform.

Years of collaboration make onboarding easy

The long-standing partnership with simple system makes onboarding for Office Mix uncomplicated. The employees are very familiar with the platform and know exactly what needs to be done when implementing it for new customers. “This enables us to automate individual process steps and keep our cost structure low during the onboarding process,” explains Feierabend. The expertise is also transferred to customers and creates trust — the basis for long-term customer and supplier relationships.

About Office Mix

Office Mix is one of the leading providers of office logistics services in Germany. Since its founding 35 years ago, the company has been headquartered in Mannheim and employs more than 100 people. Office Mix sees itself as a holistic partner for medium-sized companies and offers tailor-made solutions for efficient and future-oriented purchasing processes. A comprehensive range of products and innovative services related to the world of work complement the company portfolio.

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